Jul 1, 2015
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Business, ecommerce, Marketing, Software, Technology
business, life hacking, marketing, technology

Here’s a tip for everyone, even for people who have no interest in the web.
IFTTTT is a literal treasure trove that can help you with all sorts of things.
IFTTT stands for “if this then that”. The idea is you connect two things so eg if it’s 7am then phone a wakeup call, or if I star an email add it to Google Drive. Currently there are a couple of hundred things that you can connect together; like Facebook, Android, WordPress, Time Magazine, Ebay, The Weather, Etc.
It’s typically very easy to set up the recipes too, and you should be able to get an account and set up your recipe in a few minutes as long as you have any relent passwords (if you need any for your particular recipe).
You can do everything from non tech stuff like get an email reminding you to bring in your plants if the weather is going to be cold; or send out an automatic happy new year on twitter … all the way up to more complex stuff like keep a list of Kindle best seller books in your Evernote.
Check out these garden recipes. Recipes for Your Garden
Or this bunch for music lovers. Recipes for Music Lovers